CHILDREN are the future of any nation and, therefore, they should be so groomed as to be able to shoulder all its responsibilities.
Child labour is a serious crime all over the world. Unicef defines it as some type of work performed by children below 18. The number of child labourers in Pakistan is about 10 million.
Last year the Federal Bereau of Statistics released the result of its survey: 3.8 million children in the age group of five to 14 years are working in Pakistan out of a total of 40 million children.
50 per cent of these economically active children are in the age group of five to nine years. Even out of these 3.8 million children, 2.7 million were claimed to be working in the agricultural sector. Two million and four hundred thousand (73 per cent) of them were said to be boys.
The government has passed the law that primary education is compulsory for every one. But we all know that action speaks louder than words. So the government should supply free course to the government schools and should make the level of government schools comparative to private schools so that the condition of equality exists. The government should take some notice on child labour as well and take some strict action against those responsible so that the future of Pakistan become save and educated.
Street children
IF you take a round of the Civic Centre and other similar spots in Karachi, you will find hundreds of children who have been born and bred on footpaths. They have hardly any food or clothes; medicine is out of reach for them, and shelter from sun and rain is just the shade of a tree. Most important of all: they remain illiterate and have no direction in life.
When they grow up and see other children enjoying life, they start cultivating a sort of animosity towards society and those better off.
Even before these children become 10, most boys fall easy prey to terrorist organisations where they get everything they need and much more while the girls are taken away by affluent people who use them according to their vested interests.
In a way, our government is responsible for inadvertently promoting terrorism in the country by neglecting this enormous population. Every year, hundreds of these children add to the strength of terrorists.
In Pakistan, every day at least five rape cases are reported, while unreported cases might be 10 times or more, making the figure 50 or more.
Some NGOs are doing good work, but this can be termed as a drop in the ocean. Sincere and serious efforts are needed to help street children all over Pakistan.
Therefore, it is necessary that a cell be created in the president’s palace or right adjacent to it where street children can be educated and trained to become useful members of society.
Child labour is a serious crime all over the world. Unicef defines it as some type of work performed by children below 18. The number of child labourers in Pakistan is about 10 million.
Last year the Federal Bereau of Statistics released the result of its survey: 3.8 million children in the age group of five to 14 years are working in Pakistan out of a total of 40 million children.
50 per cent of these economically active children are in the age group of five to nine years. Even out of these 3.8 million children, 2.7 million were claimed to be working in the agricultural sector. Two million and four hundred thousand (73 per cent) of them were said to be boys.
The government has passed the law that primary education is compulsory for every one. But we all know that action speaks louder than words. So the government should supply free course to the government schools and should make the level of government schools comparative to private schools so that the condition of equality exists. The government should take some notice on child labour as well and take some strict action against those responsible so that the future of Pakistan become save and educated.
Street children
IF you take a round of the Civic Centre and other similar spots in Karachi, you will find hundreds of children who have been born and bred on footpaths. They have hardly any food or clothes; medicine is out of reach for them, and shelter from sun and rain is just the shade of a tree. Most important of all: they remain illiterate and have no direction in life.
When they grow up and see other children enjoying life, they start cultivating a sort of animosity towards society and those better off.
Even before these children become 10, most boys fall easy prey to terrorist organisations where they get everything they need and much more while the girls are taken away by affluent people who use them according to their vested interests.
In a way, our government is responsible for inadvertently promoting terrorism in the country by neglecting this enormous population. Every year, hundreds of these children add to the strength of terrorists.
In Pakistan, every day at least five rape cases are reported, while unreported cases might be 10 times or more, making the figure 50 or more.
Some NGOs are doing good work, but this can be termed as a drop in the ocean. Sincere and serious efforts are needed to help street children all over Pakistan.
Therefore, it is necessary that a cell be created in the president’s palace or right adjacent to it where street children can be educated and trained to become useful members of society.